It is always wise to stand out when initiating PPC campaign in Dubai, especially when in a highly competitive market, as we are, full of ppc company dubai. But what if your ads are not out there fighting with your main competitors’ ads, but with each other? That is keyword cannibalization that is one of those silent PPC adversaries which can gradually empty your budget and weaken your campaign.

What does PPC Keyword Cannibalization mean?

In layman terms, it can be defined as the situation whereby ads from your individual campaigns are competing against each other, with regard to the keywords being used. Just think of what would happen if 2 of your precious ads were placed next to each other, both bidding on the same keywords. They do not serve to increase your exposure but they rather share the traffic, CTR and conversions. Worse still, they contribute to the confusion of Google’s algorithms so that ad performance is not constant.

Why Keyword Cannibalization is a Problem

Keyword cannibalization disrupts your PPC campaign in multiple ways:

  • Higher Costs: It is always counterproductive to compete with yourself in CPC which unduly escalates.
  • Reduced Performance: Traffic, clicks and conversions are usually divided between ads.
  • Algorithm Confusion: Google has the problem of defining which ad is the most relevant to its user.

The outcome? You actually get to pay more for shoddy work that is normally expected of a company or contractor.

Constant Redundancy: Keyword Cannibalization and How to Solve It

  • Analyze Your Keywords: The best tactic is to begin with a keyword audit. One can find overlaps by employing solutions like the Google Ads search terms report. Cross keywords that many ads are bidding for and group relevant words.
  • Use Exact Matches: Always use targeted ads for specific match keywords when possible. Include those exact-match keywords in other unrelated campaigns as negative keywords in order to avoid duplication.
  • Simplify Your Structure: Strike one goal per campaign. If you have more than one ad set with a relatively close message to the same audience, merge these sets into a single authoritative campaign.
  • Experiment with PPC-SEO Overlap: If there are keywords that rank well without advertising, one should try decreasing ad budget on that particular word. Examine specific keywords, and determine behavior of organic traffic when the PPC is stopped or suspended.
  • Review Regularly: Pay per click campaigns need particular attention. Monitor conversions at weekly basis and try to analyze trends and alter them for the metric. However, this approach of trial and error makes sure that you do not find yourself right in the middle of an overlap.


Keyword cannibalization is one of the least noticed challenges in your PPC that must be highlighted in the growing business hub of Dubai. The idea is to remain as active as possible, group your campaigns, and improve your keyword selection to make the most of your ads while not having to waste money. PPC experts will help you enhance your PPC results to drive more traffic to your website. Whether it is conducting an audit of your strategy or helping you out with keyword cannibalization issues, this team will ensure the best returns on investment. Sometimes even similar keywords may limit you – seize control right now!

By admin